Johnson Law, PLC Announces $22.6 Million Jury Verdict In Trucking Negligence Case. (6/10/15)
Permanently disabled after being struck by a truck, Plaintiff Burt Holt receives largest personal injury verdict of 2015 in Michigan.
DETROIT, MI – Attorney Ven Johnson of Johnson Law, PLC, announced that he and co-counsel Rebecca Filiatraut obtained a $22.6 Million jury verdict yesterday for client Burt Holt in his case against Amarild Ushe, Reliable Transportation Specialists, LLC and Container Port Group, Inc. The verdict came in on Tuesday, June 9 at 5:30 pm in the courtroom of the Honorable Kathleen I. MacDonald in Wayne County Circuit Court, Detroit. This is the largest personal injury verdict of 2015 in Michigan.
On March 3, 2011, Burt Holt, age 52, inspected his trailer at the Container Port Group (CPG) on Fort Street in Detroit when he was struck by another truck driver, Defendant Amarild Ushe, who drove for Reliable Transportation Specialists. The truck impacted Holt on the right side and knocked him down to the ground, which resulted in a severe right ankle and leg injury. Though Ushe knew Holt was outside his vehicle in the tightly confined inspection area of CPG, Ushe moved his truck without ensuring Holt was out of the way.
Holt was transported via EMS to Detroit Receiving Hospital where he remained inpatient for seven days. Live testimony in trial from Holt’s treating medical physicians overwhelmingly proved that Holt suffered four surgeries, a traumatic brain injury, severe depression and chronic pain syndrome.
Johnson stated, “Burt Holt has suffered literally every single day since the time of his injury. We are so happy for him that he had his day in court and this Wayne County jury finally held Reliable and CPG responsible for their utter disregard for Burt’s safety. Despite evidence of numerous safety violations, these defendants continue to deny responsibility and claim that Burt’s injuries and prolonged recovery were all related to the fact the he was obese. We brought in Burt’s doctors to testify in trial so the jury could see that this discriminatory and offensive proposition was untrue. The defendants ruined Burt’s life, taking away his trucking business, his home and his dignity. It’s highly rewarding to see that this jury finally held these defendants legally responsible for what Burt is now forced to endure for the rest of his life.”